A Volunteer at Mama's Orphanage
I visited and volunteered at Mama Orphans Children's Home from March to April 2008. It is not always easy to articulate the impact of my time spent at the orphanage because it was an incredible experience on many different levels.
My friend and I arrived in Busia after a very long, very tense taxi ride on a very dangerous highway from Uganda to Kenya. Our stress instantly evaporated when we were met by a large, warm, smiling woman who enveloped us in a deep, strong hug. This is Mama. Over the following weeks, I received many more of those hugs and was privileged to hear her stories, learn from her wisdom, and witness her love for and commitment to the children and the orphanage. Mama's life is entirely dedicated to caring and providing for the children; as she says, she "carries the burden in her heart".
There were 55 children at the orphanage while I was there, and I feel blessed to have met each and every one of them. Each of them is unique, and is gifted with some talent or skill or intelligence. They are incredibly hard-working and I was exhausted from their every day routine of playing hard and working hard. Every day they fetch water, hand-wash their clothes and dishes, sweep and wash the compound floor, cook meals over charcoal stoves, and stir ugali (an exhausting task on its own!). Even with all those chores, they find time to sing, dance and play. I spent three weeks with these kids, and my only regret is that I could not stay longer. My favourite memory of the children is the sound of their night-time prayers and songs. I'm certain I will always hear their beautiful voices and harmonies in my mind.
Mama's husband, Richard, and her own children and their families strongly support her in her calling. The Kenyan government does not provide support, however, and she has converted her own home, she budgets her own income, and she relies on donations from international churches and individuals to help her provide for her 90 plus children.
The progress is slow, but with donations, the conditions at the orphanage continue to improve. The children have recently moved into a new dormitory with new beds, bedding and basins, and the church building is now used as a dining hall. There is still much need at Mama Orphans Children's Home as Mama pays for the children's everyday needs and tries to save funds for future projects.
Mama's faith in God and commitment to her calling, in spite of such frustratingly limited resources, is remarkable. She is an awe-inspiring individual and the children blessed to be in her care.
I will forever remember my first visit to Mama's and it will be impossible to stay away for long. I will return as often as I am able and I will maintain my connection with Mama and support her and the orphanage in every way possible.